Monday, December 31, 2007

The shadows hold evil as the dark fairy nymph makes her way among the shadows......

As she walks upon the mortar and bricks, he lurks in the shadows watching………waiting………for his prey……that dark fairy nymph whose heart and soul he could not take…..and she feels his hunger…..the hunger of a demon in disguise…..and reaches for her sword…..he lunges at her throat and she slashes her sword in the air…taking his head to the ground and he turns to dust before her eyes….. She holds her sword up and the moon strikes it with light and stars glow blue…… Another slowly steps out of the shadows….one not of demon blood but with heart and soul of the living…..and smiles……she sees the one she has been waiting for….and she is free to love without the threat of dark clouds casting shadows upon her any longer…...the evil has been cast away to the depths of hell and she is safe in her place of peace and beauty……

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