Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So long it has been.............

….so long it has been since the Dark One has appeared upon the pathway with her silver sword in its hilt covered in shimmering stars and her body gloved in dark armor…….but here….now…..she walks even though she feels pain of heart, soul and body……..nothing will stop her……not even the demons who watch her from the edges of the dark forest not far away……her heart breaks for the thousandth time with thoughts of the one who has instilled great strength within her mind and heart who could at any moment leave her…......alone in this world yet again……..her mind shifts to the evil ones who hope to take from her all that she loves and she vows within her heart to fight to the end no matter.....for no one will take her hope.......her dreams.........her life...........no one........and she walks onward with her hand on the hilt of her sacred sword of light............

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