Thursday, February 24, 2011

The final call has gone out and the Dark One waits………

……she stands strong against the demon who has entered her kingdom for what will be its last time…..the Dark One draws her dagger from its hilt and holds it within her hand….ready to take the head from the scourge that has so ravaged her heart….a heart that bears only love…..but this demon must fall and be scattered to the winds……or peace cannot reign……….the dark haired demon with skin of leather moves toward the Dark One with words of hate……..and the Dark One holds the tip of her sword to its neck…….ready to spill its yellow blood upon the ground……for she shall rid her land of this demon scourge if it is the last thing she does in this place she loves with her entire being……..the viper snarls and lashes out with her hands and the Dark One lunges her sword into its neck…..lashing……the demon’s head stares at her from the ground as its body falls at her feet……its eyes stone cold as the pavers beneath…...yellow blood spilling……with no soul within…….a demon life taken to protect the goodness that still exists within the kingdom of the Dark One……and the nightmare is over and done and gone and buried……for all time….the demon is dead…….the Dark One lives on……….and she shall protect her kingdom from all that step upon its grounds with thoughts only of themselves…..they shall be blocked from her sanctuary or their blood shall be spilled and taken by the winds……away…….away………the Dark One rests and breathes in the pure air and wonders when the battle shall be at its end……..when she shall be able to rest without threat of demons…..will it ever be she wonders…….she has grown tired…..and wishes for respite……and hopes for love to come to her soon……so that she will no longer have to fight the battles alone…..she wishes for someone to be at her side……someone as strong as she……..someone who loves her as she is………the Dark One…….the one with a heart filled with love to give and protect…….in the glistening waters of her beloved lake her dagger is freed from demon blood……she returns it to its hilt at her waist……the hilt sparkles in the moonlight as the moon glows among the stars……and she sits upon the marble bench and hopes…….

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