Saturday, May 28, 2011

Freedom… is what she feels as she sits and gazes at the lights dancing upon the soft waves before her….. drifts across the water and she breathes in the serenity and the sweet, warm air....for she is free of the demons...sleep comes to her now without fight...and words swim within her mind waiting for her to unleash them upon paper for all to know....for her dreams will be born and live to be shared with those who choose to be at her side...the search for love no longer holds her prisoner....she knows within her heart that if it is will happen in its own time...but for now she can be at peace with her own self...yet silently aware of the beasts that may exist upon the fringe of the forest....and is ready to prove anyone who challenges her...for she will not let her place of peace be preyed upon by the demons of the past that have stalked her for so long.....nor the demons that have existed in her life as she searched for more....she is a woman in love with life.....and that love within her heart shall bring to her more than she can imagine at this moment....for even now there is hope....if she continues on her so long in coming but one that will be what she has always wished for.........

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