Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The rain slashes down upon the Dark One......

.....and her armor gleams wet as she hears the bitter words of the most evil of the demons that have taken so much of her life from her upon this earth……after so long and he still lurks upon the edges of her world…..hoping to tear her into pieces but he cannot…….she is stronger than he and always has been…..a green glow emanates from his very soul, evil as it is and full of true and bidden darkness…..his heart one full of unrequited anger at himself…..for he fears the Dark One as her love protects her from his black intentions…..he knows he must run as he always has…..for he has tried to take her happiness and joy again even for one day….but she prevails despite his lashing words…..and the Dark One knows he cannot ever take what she holds most dear…..her love of the pirates and angels that have come into her life…….the ones who truly know her heart, her soul…….the ones who believe in her……the ones who have true hearts borne of love…..not evil…..not evil as the coward that sits upon the edges of the forest…..she raises her dagger to the sky and the stars swirl and the wind comes up and he runs into the forest once again knowing he has no chance at survival if he attacks again….so he escapes to the black hole of loathing that engulfs his soul…..the place where he shall live for the rest of his days…….the Dark One places her silver dagger within its hilt and walks onward over the brick pathway to her seat near the harbor and watches as the ship comes upon the horizon…….and knows he is here……the one she loves…..the one she has been waiting for……he is on his way…….and she will be waiting………

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So long it has been.............

….so long it has been since the Dark One has appeared upon the pathway with her silver sword in its hilt covered in shimmering stars and her body gloved in dark armor…….but here….now…..she walks even though she feels pain of heart, soul and body……..nothing will stop her……not even the demons who watch her from the edges of the dark forest not far away……her heart breaks for the thousandth time with thoughts of the one who has instilled great strength within her mind and heart who could at any moment leave her…......alone in this world yet again……..her mind shifts to the evil ones who hope to take from her all that she loves and she vows within her heart to fight to the end no matter.....for no one will take her hope.......her dreams.........her one........and she walks onward with her hand on the hilt of her sacred sword of light............